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Blockchain, Featured, Technology

Blockchain’s Mass Adoption in the Gaming Industry

The use cases of blockchain extend beyond the finance and tech industry. People are growing familiar with blockchain technology, thereby embracing the innovative technology by leveraging its advantages. The same is true for the gaming industry. Going mainstream in the last four years, many online casinos started accepting cryptocurrencies. The integral benefit of blockchain being leveraged in online gambling, betting and the gaming sector highlights that it offers transparency within database transactions. The steady, secure, and decentralized properties of blockchain are making it popular in the gaming industry. 

According to experts, gaming is likely to be the first actual use case for blockchain technology. As more and more developers build in-game advancements and new games, the technology of blockchain is set to enhance the user experience through globalization, ownership, and more. In the near future, it is likely to revamp the industry, thereby making games more immersive than ever before. 

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In-Game Tools | Challenges, and Solutions in the Gaming Industry

The developers of the gaming industry are preceding to expand the pool of in-game purchases, thereby extending playtime by enticing enthusiastic gamers with the purpose of earning such assets. However, presently, apart from putting so much effort into earning in-game tools along with upgrades, regular gamers still cannot own the digital assets. It is because game developers can remove or change assets at their discretion. This is where blockchain comes in. 

  • The game development enabled with blockchain can help transfer the ownership to the gamers. In this case, smart contract usage comes into play. 
  • Smart contracts, also referred to as lines of code saved on blockchain that automatically can execute when separated conditions are satisfied, facilitate assets to be readily transferred to the gamer. 
  • With the help of smart contracts, it is not possible for developers to take these assets back because of the immutability of the blockchain. 

In-Game Gold | Liquidity

The integral utilization of blockchain in the gaming industry is liquidity. The application of blockchain in the gaming industry highlights in various ways as gamers are already accustomed to tokenization. Some of the old games highlighted applications of digital currency. Games have developed and combined with the web. Presently, in-game items and goals can be bought with real Fiat currency. 

Usually, transactions occur outside the game itself. In this case, blockchain could establish fairness and norms around in-game currency and asset trading. Blockchain can also help tie to the real world in logical ways.  It particularly could be beneficial where the generation of a maximum of the gaming review happens to be by in-game purchases, thereby founded by digital currency. 

Instant Global Exchanges | Integral Use Case of Blockchain in the Gaming Industry

The gaming industry happens to be global with experienced gamers from all over the world coming collectively with the help of digital platforms. 

Buying or transferring digital assets worldwide, nevertheless, has turned out to be pretty challenging. It is due to procedures taking days and putting games at a halt between gamers in various nations. It is also one of the use cases of blockchain technology. 

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Blockchain helps enable instantaneous payments globally, thereby lifting the barriers presently on worldwide multiplayer games. In this case, stablecoins essentially can mirror any digital asset and do not happen to come with any constraints. 

Wrapping Up

Making transactions more efficient and transparent for players, the technology of blockchain can help revolutionize the world of gaming. It can do so by developing opportunities for both developers and gamers that facilitate a new market of entertainment.

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