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Global Malnutrition: Everything You Need to Know!

The poor apply management of the worldwide food system is increasing the malnutrition level that is causing a global health crisis. The Director of Nutrition for the Health Department at WHO (World Health Organization), Dr. Francesco Branca said that people require enough food to eat, with access to the right food. He stated that “malnutrition is a complex problem, and is the main cause of diseases and death around the world.”

Millions of people are suffering from several forms of malnutrition. Moreover, 1.9 billion people around the world are suffering from obesity, and 462 million people are underweight. Did you know that one in ten children around the world is born with low weight? 45% of the deaths among children in South Asia are due to malnutrition. 52 million children around the world under five years of age are suffering from wasting with low height or birth weight.

This article here is article shares everything you need to know about malnutrition, and how you can help. 

Also Read: The Brutal Impact of Poverty on Global Hunger

Malnutrition: A Global Crisis

Malnutrition can take several forms and presents a complicated large-scale problem worldwide. The majority of the global population is affected by malnutrition irrespective of age, location, gender, and wealth. To understand the impact of malnutrition, it is essential to know what it is, and its types.

Several factors can cause malnutrition. While one of the major factors is suboptimal diets, there are several other factors such as health status, education, food insecurity, behavioral and sociocultural nuances, technology, political infrastructure, technology, and economic and environmental conditions.

Malnutrition can cause undernutrition that includes wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, stunting, and being underweight. Another effect of malnutrition is obesity, overweight, and NCDs (Non-Communicable Diseases). 

Here are some of the different types of malnutrition.

  • Undernutrition

Not having or eating enough food can cause a lack of proper nutrition that is necessary for growth and development. 

  • Stunting

Stunting is a growth failure that develops in children under five years of age who grow with limited food access, health, and care. Also known as ‘chronic undernutrition’, which is only one of the causes. 

Stunting on children can be determined by their height according to their age and nutritional index. Impaired brain function, poor performance in school and academics, and delayed motor development are some of the effects of stunting in children. 

  • Wasting

Wasting is observed in children when they are too thin concerning their height. Wasting is also considered s acute malnutrition as it quickly deteriorates the nutritional status of children under five years of age. Children suffering from waste have a high chance of dying. 

The MUAC (Mid-Upper Arm Circumference) helps to measure wasting in children. Wasting is of different types such as severe acute malnutrition, and moderate acute malnutrition. 

  • Micronutrient Deficiencies

Lack of absorption, intake, or, use of minerals and vitamins can cause malnutrition. Intake of excessive micronutrients may have adverse effects on the body. One common impact of micronutrient deficiency is anemia which leads to several other diseases. 

Severe malnutrition in adults causes thinness, and underweight, or obesity, and overweight.

Importance of Nutrition Among Children

Malnutrition can hold back the developments and progress of the world. Nutrition facilitates the brutal link between socio-economic developments such as employment and education. In any form, malnutrition is a deadly disease, especially among children. 

  • 45% of deaths among children are due to malnutrition.
  • Poor diet, and overweight increases the NCD risk which directly contributes to death and disability around the world. 
  • Since 2010, the number of deaths that can be ignored has increased by 15%. 
  • Perinatal complications, poor growth, intellectual impairments, increased risk of mortality, and morbidity are common contributors to micronutrient deficiency. 

To maintain good health, proper malnutrition is very important. A billion dollars are lost due to a lack of development and opportunities for lost investment, and preventable deaths around the world. According to a survey, society could reach up to 10.5 trillion US dollars by 2050. 

Undernourished People Worldwide

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation uses the prevalence of undernourished people per population, as the main hunger indicator. It helps to measure the calorie intake and if it doesn’t meet the minimum requirements which are necessary for a certain population. 

Malnutrition can take several forms and presents a complicated large-scale problem worldwide. The majority of the global population is affected by malnutrition irrespective of age, location, gender, and wealth. To understand the impact of malnutrition, it is essential to know what it is, and its types.

Several factors can cause malnutrition. While one of the major factors is suboptimal diets, there are several other factors such as health status, education, food insecurity, behavioral and sociocultural nuances, technology, political infrastructure, technology, and economic and environmental conditions.

Here is a global map that shows the children under the age of five who are affected by stunting. The demographic surveys and periodic health determines the report of stunting prevalence. 

child malnutrition graph 2020

While stunted cannot be treated, wasting can be cured with healthcare interventions, nutritional intake, and treating infections. In 2015, 22.7% of children under the age of five were determined suffering from wasting. It is observed at a high rate in countries such as Djibouti, India, Sudan, Sri Lanka, and Niger. 

Underweight children graph

Children who are suffering from wasting, or stunting are usually underweight. In the above image, the children under five who are underweight as per their age are shared. While the number is only decreasing over time, without proper steps it is not possible to save the children. 

Malnutrition Among Children: What are the consequences?

It is important to understand child nutrition and its impact on their health. Since everything is available on the internet today, it is important to understand the consequences of poor nutrition in children. Did you know that poor nutrition is also considered a type of malnutrition? It can cause serious diseases such as:

  • Stress
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Skin conditions
  • Fatty liver
  • Renal failure
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Excretary tract infections
  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)

We have shared an age-wise nutrition chart for children. 

Age-Wise Nutrition Chart for Children

The nutrition requirement among children depends on their age, weight, and gender. Here, we have shared a nutrition chart with the proper ratio of calorie content and nutrient content. 

Age Group Food Group Requirement Sources
2-3 years Fruit  1-1.5 cups Seasonal fruits. Apples. Watermelon, Bananas, Papaya
Protein 20gm Chicken breast, Egg whites, Pulses, soya nuggets
Vegetables 1-1.5 cups Radish, Potatoes, Beets, Ladies Finger, Carrots, Beets, Fresh Veggies, Sweet potato
Dairy 2 cups Fresh cheese, Curd, and milk
Grains 100gm Whole wheat, bajra, jowar, rice
4-8 years Fruit  1-1.5 cups Seasonal fruits. Apples. Watermelon, Bananas, Papaya
Protein 30-40 grams Chicken breast, Egg whites, Pulses, soya nuggets
Vegetables 1.5-2.5 cups Radish, Potatoes, Beets, Ladies Finger, Carrots, Beets, Fresh Veggies, Sweet potato
Dairy 2.5 cups Fresh cheese, Curd, and milk
Grains 250 grams Whole wheat, bajra, jowar, rice
9-13 years Fruit  1.5-2 cups Seasonal fruits. Apples. Watermelon, Bananas, Papaya
Protein 55 grams Chicken breast, Egg whites, Pulses, soya nuggets
Vegetables 1.5-2.5 cups Radish, Potatoes, Beets, Ladies Finger, Carrots, Beets, Fresh Veggies, Sweet potato
Dairy 3 cups Fresh cheese, Curd, and milk
Grains 300 grams Whole wheat, bajra, jowar, rice

How is PayBito Helping?

Global hunger is increasing at an alarming rate. While several government initiatives are already helping hungry people around the world the US-based crypto exchange platform, Paybito has taken an initiative to contribute and end global hunger. 

The Brokering world hunger away movement started after PayBito launched the world’s first Crypto broker platform providing an opportunity for institutional investors, and individual brokers to start their businesses within minutes. The platform also provides a readymade exchange with over 400+ crypto markets, multiple assets, and over 20+ fiat currencies. 

PayBito has decided to spend the same amount of money the brokers earn as a commission to feed hungry and undernourished children around the world. The food provided will be approved by nutritionists to ensure the malnourished children can recover, and develop to their full potential. Join the movement by signing up as a broker, or an institutional investor. You can also refer a friend and share the same among your acquaintances to provide traction to the cause.

In Conclusion

Malnutrition is a serious problem that is existing worldwide. While the world is moving ahead with new technological advancements and developments, the number of hungry children and death due to lack of healthy food is only increasing. It is important to address the situation before it gets too late.

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