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Blockchain, Featured, Forensic Science, Technology

How Blockchain Can Shape The World of Digital Forensics

The advent of the innovations of information technology over the last two decades has made the analysis, preservation, and collection of digital evidence. It is an immensely essential tool for preparing court cases and solving cyber crimes. The role of digital evidence in solving cyber crimes is widespread. It is utilized to link criminal activities and individuals. Therefore, it lays utmost importance to guarantee audibility, authenticity, and integrity of digital evidence, because it moves throughout various levels of hierarchy within the chain of custody while investigating a cybercrime. 

When it comes to modern-day technology, it happens to be more advanced in terms of power and portability. Data can be generated by millions of devices connected to the web, that need to be accessed and stored, thereby posing challenges in maintaining the authenticity and integrity of digital evidence when it comes to admissibility in the court of law. 

The capability of blockchain technology to facilitate the comprehensive view of events and actions, back to the original action, offers enormous promise when it comes to the forensic industry. The forensic implications of blockchain technology incorporate: 

  • Due to enhanced transparency of audit trails, the possibility of fraud is reduced. 
  • Because of enhanced trust within exchanging parties, transactional efficiency is improved. 
  • Decreased costs of particular types of transactions because of increased accountability, transparency, and trust factors that eliminate the need for intermediaries. 

This article highlights 2 promising blockchain use cases in the world of digital forensics. Read on to know more. 

Tracking Missing Persons and Criminals Using Blockchain Hotel Registries

Blockchain security solutions in hotels merge blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to safely store information regarding hotel guests, thereby aiming to help restrict criminal actions and bring convenience to guests. It is the same technology that can additionally be implemented for securing land registries, educational certificates, employee certification, and additional high-value records. 

As per the laws, hotels are required to report the guest data to police regularly. When Hotel guest information is stored in the blockchain, it brings the ability to consent to any data transaction. Hotels also profit from a less laborious and much quicker process of compliance with the lawful application. Therefore, the digitization of records and Hotel guest verification can bring a promising change in the industry. 

Also Read: The Relevance of Decentralized Identity in a COVID-affected World

Digital Forensics Chain of Custody and the Blockchain Technology

Blockchain-based solutions can help trace and maintain the digital forensics chain of custody. It refers to a data structure that facilitates creating a digital ledger for storing and recording transactions shared by each participating party over a shared network of machines. Blockchain technology uses cryptography for safeguarding the procedure of storing and recording transactions that occur within the blockchain network, leading to unimpeachable audit trails. 

While investigating digital forensics, evidence transfer automatically records on the blockchain with the help of smart contracts. Owing to this, any following access to the digital proof additionally records safely on the blockchain network with the help of smart contracts triggered by responding forensic investigators. 

Also Read: HashCash Partners with UAE Bank to Help with Blockchain Digital Identity

Wrapping Up

Establishing true value, ownership, the integrity of an asset, along with complete transparency can be profoundly streamlined with the help of proper blockchain technology adoption. Understanding monitoring activity and cryptocurrency, developing strategic partnerships, and fostering innovation are essential to enhancing the likelihood with the help of accurate management and detection of nefarious criminal actions utilizing cryptocurrencies. Considering blockchain to be in its early stage and suffering from transaction processing delays, along with scalability, thus technology comes with an immense potential that can profit law enforcement organizations. 

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