Blockchain technology firm and the Directorate of Agriculture announced that seeds were allocated to the farmers using a blockchain-based platform on August 18th. The goal of the project was to reduce pilferage and get rid of artificial seeds that the farmers receive under different government schemes including the seed exchange procedures.
Today, almost 3000 farmers are present on the platform, and so far, 30,000 quintals of seeds were distributed among them. Jharkhand has distributed 300+ seed varieties and thirty crops including Rabi and Kharif seasons at minimal rates. In the present Kharif season, the seeds, crops, oilseeds, and pulses were distributed using blockchain technology.
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How does Blockchain Technology help in Seed Distribution?
Blockchain is a decentralized technology that can track seed supply distribution across all steps. Starting from the Directorate of Agriculture issuing the supply orders, to placing them as demand by district agriculture officers, the technology tracks the distribution of seeds from government seed-producing agencies to retailers, distributors, multi-purpose societies, FPOs, and finally to the farmers.
The Jharkhand Department of Agriculture mentioned that each farmer is registered on the platform with the help of their mobile and Aadhar numbers. After the farmers provide the OTP they receive, the seeds provided are also registered in the system. This way, the government can also keep a track of the seed distribution to farmers in the district and cooperatives, the amount of seeds farmers purchased, and the number of times they are purchasing them in real-time.
With the use of blockchain technology, the state aims to develop a database that can be utilized to enhance the different horticulture, and agricultural schemes, to monitor every district in the state of Jharkhand. The state also plans to enable e-KYC verification with the Aadhar card numbers of the farmers on the system. Blockchain technology will help to trace and track the supply chain of seeds and pulses to optimize the entire system of seed distribution.
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Wrapping Up
The government is responsible to prioritise and provide quality seeds to the farmers, identifying beneficiaries, filtering middlemen, and creating a database for farmers. Blockchain technology is transforming agrarian supply chains by making them traceable and transparent.
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