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Brokering World Hunger Away, Crypto Broker Platform, Featured, PayBito

The Unfortunate Link: How Climate Change and Education Crisis Are Intertwined

The impacts of climate change are not limited to ecological changes in the Sunderbans; instead, they are causing unexpected socio-economic transformations.

PayBito, on its mission to end global hunger, reached the core villages of Sundarbans, where the constant struggle of the villagers with climate change, and the forest, has brought in between the lack of quality education. On their journey, the PayBito team explored villages and came across several children who were not receiving proper education or were forced to drop out due to poor living conditions. 

The Sunderbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest, is situated on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers in the Bay of Bengal. This archipelago of islands is divided between India and Bangladesh and is home to about 4.5 million people who are vulnerable to environmental disasters such as cyclones and storms. Unfortunately, the literacy rate of the people in the Sunderbans is only 25.71%, in contrast to West Bengal’s 76.26% in 2011. 

Also Read: PayBito’s Effort to Breaking the Unemployment Cycle in Sundarbans

Climate Change and Education Crisis are Intertwined

Climate change and education are closely linked in the Sunderbans, where the impacts of climate change are affecting the access and quality of education. The region faces various challenges such as rising sea levels, flooding, and soil erosion, leading to displacement, loss of livelihoods, and increased poverty. These factors have a significant impact on the education of children in the area, with many children forced to leave school and help their families with daily survival needs.

Furthermore, the region suffers from a lack of quality education due to inadequate infrastructure, inadequate funding, a shortage of trained teachers, and a lack of educational resources. This lack of quality education has long-term consequences, as it limits the opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to the changing environment and cope with the impacts of climate change.

Climate change

The South 24 Parganas district has a total of 3,584 primary government-aided schools with 768,758 enrolled students, while 803 upper primary schools have 432,268 students. Unfortunately, many of these students leave these schools, which suffer from severe understaffing and have broken classrooms, making it difficult to entice them back.

The effects of inadequate education can be devastating for individuals, families, and the wider community. It can lead to limited job opportunities, low wages, and poverty, perpetuating the cycle of vulnerability to climate change. Without access to quality education, individuals may also lack the knowledge and skills needed to engage in sustainable practices that can mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Seema Bhuniya’s Story: Caught in a Cycle of Poverty and Disasters in the Sundarbans her Education has Suffered

Seema Bhuniya left school in 2022 and traveled by train to Bengaluru, away from her hometown of Gosaba in the Sundarbans. Seema is 16 years old and comes from an extremely poor family, and was no longer able to get the mid-day meals from her schools. In West Bengal and across India, government-run schools only provide mid-day meals up to Class 8. However, by March of this year, Seema had returned to her village Gosaba block. She had been working as a domestic worker in Bengaluru, but her job was over. 

“I am a fisherman by profession. I can only earn up to Rs 3000 per month [equivalent to $36]. I don’t have enough money to send them off to school. Moreover, if they have to catch fish and crabs in the future, what’s the point of education?” – Dhananjoy Bhuniya (Seema’s father)

Seema’s father works as a fisherman like many others in the villages in the area. He catches fish and crabs with his bare hands or small nets, sells them in nearby markets, and returns home every two weeks. He explains that their income has reduced greatly over the years, as they don’t catch as many fish and crabs as they used to. He now earns between Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 3,000 every month. Given their financial struggles, Dhananjoy wonders what they will gain by sending their children to school when they have to catch fish and crabs just to survive.

The story of Seema’s dropping out of school is not unique, as many other children in the Sundarbans are also disappearing from the classroom. The delta region faces several challenges such as 

  • Saline soil makes agriculture difficult.
  • Recurring cyclones, and widening rivers that ravage their homes. 

Consequently, many villagers in the region, including children who may be first-generation learners, migrate to earn a living. By the age of fourteen, these children are often forced to leave school to look for work and are unable to return to the classroom.

Despite India’s adoption of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 in 2015, including the fourth goal to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all, the ground reality in the Sundarbans Delta tells a different story. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, covers all children between the ages of 6 and 14, and the National Curriculum Framework, 2005, stresses the importance of inclusive classrooms, especially for marginalized and disabled students. Furthermore, central and state governments offer various scholarships and incentive schemes to reduce dropout rates. Nevertheless, schools in the Sundarbans Delta continue to experience a slow loss of students, creating a sinking feeling for teachers as they search for the missing faces in their classrooms.

‘Brokering World Hunger Away’ Movement: Earn More to Feed More Initiative by PayBito

PayBito is taking steps to fight global hunger through its “Brokering World Hunger Away” campaign. This crypto broker platform offers tailored services for individual brokers, institutional investors, and entrepreneurs looking to venture into the crypto market. With a setup process that takes less than three minutes, businesses can generate a passive income stream.

What’s unique about PayBito is that by joining the platform and earning commissions, investors can also make a direct impact on the “Brokering World Hunger Away” movement. The “Dollar for a Dollar” initiative guarantees that for every dollar earned as commission from the platform, an equal amount will go towards the cause of ending global hunger. This allows investors to contribute to the community and make a difference without any investment or risk involved.

Paybito’s Commitment to Education: Inspiring Hope in Children of Sundarbans

PayBito is making a significant commitment to education by launching an initiative aimed at inspiring hope among the children of Sundarbans, a region in South 24 Parganas district, West Bengal, India. This initiative aims to address the issue of high dropout rates among school-going children in the Sundarbans and provide them with access to quality education.

The initiative involves partnering with local NGOs to support schools in the Sundarbans region by providing them with necessary resources like books, stationery, and furniture. PayBito is also working towards building new classrooms to accommodate more students and making the existing ones more comfortable. Additionally, the initiative aims to promote digital literacy among students by providing access to computers and the Internet.

PayBito’s commitment to education is not just limited to providing resources and infrastructure but also involves empowering teachers in the Sundarbans region. The initiative offers training and development programs for teachers to improve their skills and teaching methods. This helps to ensure that students receive quality education and are motivated to continue their studies.

By investing in education and inspiring hope among the children of Sundarbans, PayBito is helping to create a better future for them. The initiative is a testament to PayBito’s dedication to making a positive impact in the communities it serves. Join the movement by signing up for PayBito’s ‘crypto broker platform’ today.

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