HashCash Consultants maintains its position as a global frontrunner in blockchain development, offering their technical expertise to a global corporation specializing in logistics and freight shipping. The US-based blockchain specialists will provide consulting services on blockchain-integrated supply chain management.
Blockchain in Supply Chains
Supply chain management has witnessed one of the highest implementations of blockchain technology. A revolutionary technology in terms of market disruption and potential application cases, blockchain features several inherent traits that render incomparable value to the existing infrastructures such as immutability, traceability, transparency and more. The characteristic features make it an invaluable optimization technology for supply chain operations, guaranteeing real-time visibility of components in transit.
CEO Speak
HashCash CEO and eminent blockchain pioneer Raj Chowdhury mentions, “Blockchain’s potential in increasing the efficiency of supply chain operations is unmatched. Real-time traceability and visibility facilitate decision-making with transparent up-to-date information, contributing to a better degree of operational success.”
How Blockchain Works?
The underlying platform behind cryptocurrencies utilize DLT(Distributed Ledger Technology) for storing transaction records. The records are time-stamped, and registered into the ledger after agreement and validation from all the network members(nodes). A registered blockchain record is immutable, tamper-proof and visible to all the nodes. This ensures accuracy in data- be it ownership or provenance information. The process also eliminates intermediaries, reducing operational costs to a significant extent.
“Blockchain has been a game changer across countless sectors. Any domain that prioritizes accuracy and accessibility of documentation will benefit enormously from blockchain,” concluded Chowdhury, who had earlier mentioned the merits of blockchain implementation across aviation management and education.
Wrapping Up
Blockchain has been a key contributor in the global digital revolution, disrupting any domain that benefits from proper documentation and record-keeping. The multi-faceted advantages of the technology is leading to its widespread adoption across supply chain management operations and businesses.
Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hashcash-offers-blockchain-consulting-services-070000795.html
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