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Blockchain, Featured, Technology

Why is Blockchain a Game-Changing Technology in Web 3.0?

The web has developed remarkably over the last three decades, plus we are happy that the internet has grown to this extent. The maximum of the communication and information today in the world happens to be occurring over the web from the coziness of your home. All you require is a strong Internet connection with an internet-enabled gadget. This is something that was unbelievable a few decades before, however, do you know what has made it possible? Welcome to the Web 2.0 version of the internet! 

Birth of Web 2.0 Version of Internet

As the term says, it refers to the next version of the web 1.0. It can be referred to as the web version that is restricted to static sites that provided users with the data that could simply be read and not transferred or updated. 

ParticipativeSocial Web, another term of the second version of the web, was rather one step ahead of the initial version. It provides us with encouraging information when it comes to collaboration, sharing, and participation. It provided us with additional freedom when it comes to interacting with one another as compared to web 1.0. But, we have not settled for it, rather, we are gradually shifting to the third version of the web, known as Web 3.0. 

Blockchain-Enabled Web 3.0 Over Web 2.0

With many enhancements over the second web version Web 2.0, Web 3.0 comes with the potential to change our regular experiences into an innovative world. Let us take a glance at some of the points regarding the third version of the web as to how it can be helpful to the masses.

  • With enhanced online security and privacy as compared to the second web version, the third web version promises to restrict online security and privacy laws by presenting a decentralized process of securing web data. 
  • With the promise of cryptocurrency, the Web 3.0 version adds importance to the internet by permitting Crypto as the future of the industries globally. It enables various payment networks to remove the need for intermediaries like agencies and banks for performing transactions like real estate registrations, money transfers, and many more. 
  • The Internet of Things happens to be another feature of this web version. With the help of smart devices, customers can provide commands to numerous connected gadgets like smart refrigerators, cars, watches, smart TVs, and many more for performing various tasks over the web within a fraction of seconds. Apart from that, it combines virtual reality and artificial intelligence for enhancing the user experience over the internet. 

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Blockchain’s Potential in Web 3.0

When it comes to Web 3.0, which is the third version of the internet, it happens to be essential to state the importance of the technology of blockchain. With blockchain technology serving as the foundation for the third generation internet, it leads to bringing incredible importance to the central features of Web 3.0, thereby fixing various undermining problems existing within the second version of the web, which is the Web 2.0. Along the same lines, the technology of blockchain happens to be the driving force behind the third generation of the internet, thereby making impossible jobs possible. Such a kind of technology remains one-of-a-kind when it comes to a worldwide technological revolution. 

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